Sensitive Species Surveys
As required by regulatory guidance, i.e. CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act), CESA (California Endangered Species Act), ESA (federal Endangered Species Act), or locally significant species, surveys for either presence/absence or protocol surveys may be required prior to initiation of activity. In many cases these surveys are also required as part of CEQA or NEPA document preparation.
Construction Monitoring
Work conducted under an EIR (Environmental Impact Report), EIS (Environmental Impact Statement), or SAA (Streambed Alteration Agreement) requires that affected resources be monitored during construction to ensure that additional impacts are not present. While impacts may have been approved by the regulatory documents and mitigation specified, most agencies require that guidance exist in the field to avoid additional impacts and that accidental impacts be reported.
Habitat and Species Conservation or Restoration
JMA retains a staff of resident and associate biologists that have extensive experience in the southern California area. We offer biological services that include: sensitive species surveys, vegetation surveys, California Coastal Sage Scrub monitoring and mitigations, and construction monitoring.
- Sensitive Species
- Vegetation Surveys
- Construction Monitoring
- Habitat and Species Conservation or Restoration
- Biological Surveys and Assessments
- Restoration Planning and Implementation
- Agency Coordination
- Document Preparation
- GIS/GPS Services